Payton Knobeloch
PAX East 2017: Ogre Head Studios and Nyamakop Bring International Style to the Show Floor
It's refreshing to make it to the smaller booths and see what developers outside of the US think of PAX East, and how their backgrounds affect the ways they approach game design.
PAX East 2017: The Cyberpunk Arcade Racer Makes a Strong Showing with Distance [Preview]
Distance's marriage of cyberpunk horror and arcade-style madness may make it the most creative racing game I’ve played since Grand Theft Auto V’s Cunning Stunts expansion.
PAX East 2017: Loot Rascals is a Turn-Based Saturday Morning Cartoon [Preview]
Loot Rascals, the new turn-based rogue-like from Hollow Ponds, walks that wonderful line between evoking what you love and know while also forging a path all its own.
PAX East 2017: Snake Pass is The First Great Herpetological Platformer [Preview]
When I think of kicking back and relaxing, snakes would not be the first thing that come to mind. But putting the team behind LittleBigPlanet 3 in charge of a slithery puzzle-platformer may give it enough charm to change Indiana Jones’ mind.
My Max is My Max: On Choosing to Adapt ‘Life is Strange’
Imagine my trepidation when Legendary Entertainment announced plans to tackle Life is Strange, Dontnod Entertainment’s episodic exploration into teen life and time travel as a live-action series.
How Ratchet & Clank’s PlayStation 4 Remake Nails The PlayStation 2 Throwback
Sony’s PlayStation 2 was my first concrete foray into console gaming. And as the highest selling console of all time, I’d think it’s safe to say it was for a lot of other boys and girls my age. With such a wide berth of titles available, from the mascot platformer to the military shooter to the… Katamari, there was something for everyone.
And that’s where Insomniac’s 2016 remaster/re-imagining/movie tie-in Ratchet & Clank comes in.
I Don’t Care About Doom’s Story, And Neither Does Doom
If I’m being honest, I couldn’t care less about Doom’s story. That’s not what drew me in. Instead, I loved Doom for its pitch-perfect controls, inspired level design and well of surprises I didn’t know I could expect from a first-person shooter.
Appraise Gengar: The Best Use for Pokemon Go’s Leaders is Staring Us in the Face
As a game, Pokemon Go appeals to the public’s love of Pokemon, of adventure and conquering the fantastic. There’s no reason the subsequent elements of the game shouldn’t appeal to why we love Pokemon.
Gaming Off the Grid: A Month Without the Internet
In an age when internet access has been deemed a utility as crucial to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as electricity, it’s tough to imagine a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One left unconnected to Al Gore’s pièce de résistance. It’s like gaming with the Amish.