The Big Sisters in the Bioshock universe got a bit of a raw deal when it came to the genetic modification department. Oh, their enhancements are every bit as spectacular as those of the Big Daddies, but their wardrobe is a bit ... unbecoming? It looks less like genetic modification and more like someone with a fetish for belt buckles and welding. There doesn't look to be much enhancement around the leg area, but once you move north, things go a bit awry. Spear gun strapped to your arm? Fine. Diving helmet? Of course! Propane tank strapped awkwardly to one shoulder with a soldered framework strapped together with pretty bows? Great, if your were aiming for the Hunchback of Notre Dame look. We get that you’re supposed to be menacing, and you are, but gravity would never allow you jump around like that with such a silly thing strapped to your back. That being said ... please don’t hurt us.

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