Oh My Heroes

There is always a market for a great battle royale game. Titles like Super Smash Bros. and PlayStation All-Stars are perfect for a party with friends. They’re simple, fast, and fun. Triniti Interactive has taken that battle royale approach and brought it to the mobile area. Oh My Heroes lets you duke it out rumble-style against others online. This is an interesting combo that could prove addictive. Does Oh My Heroes fill up that warm and fuzzy royal rumble spot or does it have a bad connection and glitch out?

Oh My Heroes is a very simple game at its core. You choose a character, and then choose the type of battle you’d like to participate in. You have your choice of three kinds of battles including deathmatch, team deathmatch, and king of the hill. Once you pick, you’re taken over to a lobby screen while you wait for other people to join your party. You can then let loose with fireballs, swords, and arrows in an effort to get the most points.

Oh My Heroes has a great cartoony look that is easy on the eyes and keeps things visually simple when in the midst of a heated battle. There is only so much you can look at while you’re seeing red and your thirst for victory has you parched. It isn’t anything particularly unique, tons of other games on the iOS App Store have a similar look, but for Oh My Heroes it fits very well.

Oh My Heroes

The control scheme is simple. You can move left or right, jump, and attack. That’s it. The controls are taut and responsive, and make bouncing around each of the level arenas a breeze. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best way to go. Although you do have a range of attacks available. It would be even better if leaping on your opponent Mario-style netted you a victory. You’ll frequently find yourself with the perfect opportunity to stomp on someone, but you just don’t have that ability. Also, it would be a bit better if you had the ability to aim with some of the ranged attacks. As of right now, you can only fire in a predetermined arc. But, those are just small issues that do little to spoil an enjoyable game.

Oh My Heroes

The only real issue with the game is dodgy connectivity and a lack of people playing the game right now. Oh My Heroes is completely online. There is no offline gameplay. Quite simply if you don’t have a connection, you don’t have a game. That can be a real problem if you want to play on a train or on the subway where your connection might not be the best. Also, there are a number of people playing, but occasionally you won’t be paired with anyone, and you'll be kicked back to the main menu. If you do manage to get into a game with some people, you need to make sure that everyone has a good connection or else you’ll be plagued with skipping characters and the occasional random death.

Oh My Heroes

If Oh My Heroes had a solid offline campaign, it would add so much to this very fun game. As it stands, it feels more like the online multiplayer afterthought to an already amazing title that doesn’t exist. For a couple bucks, Oh My Heroes does a decent enough job to hit the battle royale spot, but it isn’t quite perfect. If it was a bit more fleshed out with some computer opponents or a single player campaign, it would be one of the best games out there. As for now, it feels a bit unfinished.


Store Link: Oh My Heroes! for iPhone & iPad | By Triniti Interactive Limited

| Price: $0.99 | Version: 1.1 | 20.9 MB | Rating 12+

7.0 out of 10 arcade sushi rating

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