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    Nintendo Campus Challenge

    NES $14,000 - $20,100

    Like the next item on our list of the 25 Most Expensive Video Games, Nintendo Campus Challenge was created as a tournament title. It housed 3 games: Super Mario 3, Pinbot, and Dr. Mario. You had a limited amount of time to rack up a huge high score and trounce anyone else that happened to be participating at your college event, which is where these cartridges were featured. After the tour, many of the cartridges were destroyed, but one has surfaced and has been changing hands around the internet for quite a pretty penny.

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    Air Raid

    ATARI 2600 $3,400 - $33,400

    Due to its unique cartridge design, Air Raid remains one of the most recognizable of all the wildly expensive games on our list. It didn’t have large distribution and quite easily became a rare video game for collectors. This Space Invader styled game is only known to have 3 boxed copies still floating around the world. If you’re one of the lucky people to still have a copy of this in the box, you’ll be able to pay off your car even if you bought a BMW M3.

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    1990 Nintendo World Championships - Gold Edition

    NES $15,000 - $35,000

    The Gold Edition of Nintendo World Championships was given out as a Nintendo Power promotion. 26 copies of this cartridge are floating around the world somewhere which makes this game an extremely rare find and the most expensive Nintendo game in the world. What makes it so unique is that it holds 3 competition copies of Super Mario Bros., Rad Racer, and Tetris that have had their scoring codes tweaked for tournament play.

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    Birthday Mania

    ATARI 2600 $15,000 - $35,000

    Maybe it was the strange title that rocketed Birthday Mania near the top of our list. Maybe it is the extreme rarity of the cartridges. It could be that on each one, you have a little space to write your name. 35 grand seems a bit much for a little game that lets you blow out some 8-bit candles. But, to each their own, and we’re sure that some video game aficionado would love to find this in his pile of birthday presents.

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    Gamma Attack

    ATARI 2600 $20,000 - $50,000

    The rarest and most expensive game of all made an appearance on eBay with a Buy it Now price of $500,000. Half a million for a hunk of plastic and silicone. But, it is unique. There is only one copy of Gamma Attack in the entire world and that makes it special. It better be with a price like that! Basically at that price, we’re talking about shoving a Ferrari into your game console from the 1980’s. Thankfully it has surfaced on the internet as a ROM so you’ll be able to play a $50,000 game for the low low price of free. Gamma Attack rounds out our list of the 25 Most Expensive Video Games.


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