The Modern Combat series is one of the most popular amongst gamers, and a brand new trailer just debuted for their latest entry, Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour.

G4 had the exclusive debut of the new Modern Combat game, which looks to have more awesome firefights, huge explosions, great cut scenes and intense action. It also looks like it's going to be a 3 gig download judging from those graphics.

According to the trailer, the President has been kidnapped while in Hawaii by Edward Page (Paige?) a former Green Beret. The trailer then tells you that this is the day everything changes, and to walk away with blood on your hands. You then see nothing but shots of stuff exploding.

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour is coming to iOS devices this fall. Check out the trailer below.

And here are some recently released screenshots.

Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour
Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour
Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour

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