This debut trailer for Hellblade marks the latest project from the studio known for Heavenly Sword.

Dom Mathews, a product development agent at Ninja Theory, has just announced on the PlayStation Blog that his studio's newest title, Hellblade is coming out for PlayStation 4. Mathews posted the trailer for the game which was formally unveiled at Gamescom. UK-based Ninja Theory is recently known for Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and the re-imagining of Devil May Cry, DmC.

Ninja Theory is calling Hellblade an "Independent AAA" game, meaning that it will be self-made and distributed, indie style, but it will have the quality of a high-end game that has a formal backing. Hellblade's trailer stars a female protagonist named Senua, and the game's story will revolve around Celtic myths.

While no launch window has been set, stay tuned as we will provide up-to-date coverage on Ninja Theory's Hellgate once more information is available.

Ninja Theory
Ninja Theory
Ninja Theory
Ninja Theory

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